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This tutorial demonstrates how to run the Get Atmos python command line tool using the TUFLOW FV Python Toolbox.

Get Atmos provides tools to download and process climate and weather forecast/reforecast model outputs for usage with TUFLOW FV, including:

  • Mean sea level pressure
  • Wind speed and direction
  • Shortwave and longwave radiation
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity

This tool currently supports outputs from ECMWF's ERA5, NCAR's CFSR and (CFSv2), as well as the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's BARRA Reanalysis.

Notes On Downloading

Please note the following when downloading model outputs:

  • The Get Tools work by submitting data requests to the data servers that host the ERA5, CFSR and BARRA model outputs.
  • Once a data request is submitted the jobs are queued for delivery by the external data server. Download times can be affected by factors such as the job size, internet connection quality, traffic on the data server, and the efficiency of the data server to process the request. Often it may take overnight for GetAtmos A to complete a download.
  • When doing initial downloads for a project, it is recommended to first start with some smaller data requests to confirm the model output is suitable. For example, start by downloading a short time period to confirm that your data extent is sufficient to cover your project area.
  • From experience, the ERA5 data server speed is many times faster than CFSR, so please consider this when evaluating boundary conditions for your TUFLOW FV model.


1. IMPORTANT - To download the default model source ERA5, you are required to setup a CDSAPI key. For instructions on how to complete this, please visit the Copernicus API Webpage. You can alternatively download CFSR/CFSv2 or BARRA model output without any additional account setup.

2. Install miniconda and set up the TUFLOW FV Python Environment by following the steps within the TUFLOW FV Python Environment page.


Please ensure that your usage of data downloaded using this Python library abides with the license requirements for the selected source.

Get Atmos Examples

This section provides three examples to guide you through the workflow to download boundary conditions.

Example Model Source Cartesian/Long Lat Link
1 ERA5 Long/Lat Download ERA5 model output and post process for longitude latitude TUFLOW FV models.
2 CFSR Cartesian (MGA56) Download CFSR model output and post process for cartesian TUFLOW FV models.
3 BARRA Long/Lat Download BARRA model output.

Note: Any of the model sources: ERA5, CFSR or BARRA can be post processed to longitude latitude or cartesian coordinates. The above examples are presented to show a selected case from each data source and coordinate type.

Geographic Extent Input

The table below contains examples of how to enter coordinate extents to Get Atmos A for locations across the globe, including across the prime meridian, when working in near the international date in the Pacific, and when near the equator.

Number Example Type Location Model Geographical Extents Get Atmos Input <xmin xmax ymin ymax>
1 Eastern longitude, northern latitude Gujarat, India 68E 75E 20N 25N 68 75 20 25
2 Western longitude, northern latitude Prince Edward Island, Canada 65W 61W 45N 48N -65 -61 45 48
3 Eastern longitude, southern latitude Sunshine Coast, Australia 152E 154E 27S 26S 152 154 -27 -26
4 Western longitude, southern latitude Buenos Aires, Argentina 59W 57W 35S 34S -59 -57 -35 -34
5 Crossing the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) Surrey, UK 1W 1E 51N 52N -1 1 51 52
6 Crossing the 180th meridian (180 degrees longitude) Fiji 176E 177W 20S 12S 176 183 -20 -21
7 Crossing the equator (0 degrees latitude) Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 110E 116E 4S 1N 110 116 -4 1

The Get Atmos B program has an optional switch called "--wrapto360". This switch is intended for use when the longitude extents are negative values (as in Example 4 above), but the user wishes to convert these to their [0, 360] equivalents. This functionality is summarised for Example 4 above:

  • In the default case (without the "--wrapto360" command), the longitude values for Example 4 will range from -59 to -57.
  • However, with the "--wrapto360" command included, the longitude values for Example 4 will range from 301 to 303.

Upgrading Get Atmos

Periodically, updates are made to Get Atmos to add new features and fix issues. For the process to update your Get Atmos module please refer to Upgrading Get Tools.

TUFLOW FV Example Models

To experiment with ERA5 boundary conditions in TUFLOW FV check out the license free Coastal Example Models.


This page has provided information on how to setup and run the TUFLOW FV Get Atmos tool. We hope that you find it useful for your model development.

To learn how to use our other Python utilities, please visit our TUFLOW FV Python Toolbox, TUFLOW FV Get Tide and TUFLOW FV Get Ocean pages.

To complete tutorials or learn more tips and tricks, please return to the TUFLOW FV Wiki Mainpage.

If you have any further queries, feedback or requests for new functionality, please feel free to get in contact with us via support@tuflow.com.