Upgrading Get Tools

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This page provides the process to upgrade any of the Get Tools when using the tfv-workspace conda environment. The Get Atmos tool will be used to demonstrate the process, however the same methodology will apply for upgrading Get Ocean and Get Tide.

Example - Upgrading Get Atmos

1. Open Anaconda prompt (previously installed via Miniconda), and activate your TUFLOW FV Python environment with the command:

  conda activate tfv-workspace

Activate tfv-workspace.png

2. To uninstall the Get Tools module from your active environment, enter the command:

  pip uninstall get-atmos

Please note: If uninstalling Get Ocean or Get Tide simply, replace get-atmos with get-ocean or get-tide in the above statement. If you want to uninstall multiple tools, you can do so by having a space in between. For example, pip uninstall get-atmos get-ocean.

GetAtmos pip uninstall.png

3. To verify that the Get Tools module has been uninstalled, you can check the list of all environment packages by entering the command:

  conda list

GetAtmos conda list.png

Conda list will output the packages in alphabetical order. Scroll down to get to where the get- tools reside.

GetAtmos conda list getatmos.png

4. To reinstall the latest version of Get Atmos, enter the command:

  pip install git+https://gitlab.com/tuflow-user-group/tuflow-fv/data-pre-processing/get-atmos.git --no-dependencies

Please note: If upgrading Get Ocean or Get Tide, simply replace get-atmos.git with get-ocean.git or git-tide.git in the above statement.

GetAtmos pip install.png

5. To verify that Get Atmos has now been reinstalled, you can again check the list of all environment packages by entering the command:

  conda list

GetAtmos conda list.png

You will now find the most recent version of Get Atmos within your environment packages list.

GetAtmos conda list getatmos new.png


This page has provided the process to upgrade any of the Get Tools within you tfv-workspace conda environment.

To learn more about our Python utilities, please visit our TUFLOW FV Python Toolbox, TUFLOW FV Get Atmos, TUFLOW FV Get Tide and TUFLOW FV Get Ocean pages.