This page provides an example using Get Atmos to download model output from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's BARRA Reanalysis.
Review the download and post processing steps for longitude latitude and cartesian TUFLOW FV models. The steps for BARRA are analogous with changes only to the --source argument when running GetAtmos A and GetAtmos B.
Sourcing Model Output From BARRA
1. To download BARRA data, your command must include the optional argument --source BARRA_<X>. Here, X represents your choice of the following sub-domains:
- R (12km resolution over Australia, New-Zealand and the maritime continent) for the period 1990-01-01 to 2019-02-28 (yyyy-mm-dd)
- AD (1.5km resolution over SA) for the period 1990-01-01 to 2019-02-28
- PH (1.5km resolution over South-West WA) for the period 1990-01-01 to 2019-02-28
- SY (1.5km resolution over Eastern NSW) for the period 1990-01-01 to 2019-02-28
- TA (1.5km resolution over Tasmania) for the period 1990-01-01 to 2019-02-28
Call the program with your specifications for the required positional arguments, and further optional arguments as desired. This example shows retrieval of BARRA_R data covering the Gulf of Carpentaria spanning 12:00 am on 01/03/2010 to 12:00 am on 01/05/2010 (dd/mm/yyyy):
GetAtmos A “2010-03-01 00:00” “2010-05-01 00:00” 135 143 -19 -7 --path raw_data --source BARRA_R
2. To merge BARRA data, your command must include the optional argument --source BARRA_<X>. In this example, we use the command:
GetAtmos B --in_path raw_data --out_path merged_data --source BARRA_R
This page has provided an example of how to download model output from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's BARRA Reanalysis.
For more information on the Get Atmos tool, please return to TUFLOW FV Get Atmos.