WQ 000.fvc
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To incorporate a water quality simulation of dissolved oxygen to the HYD_002 model, please see the fvc updates below.
! TUFLOW FV TUTORIAL | The first lines are a description of the model simulation. |
! Dam model with dissolved oxygen simulation | |
GIS Format == SHP | No syntax changes. |
SHP Projection == ..\model\gis\projection.prj | |
Tutorial Model == ON |
! GENERAL PARAMETERS | No syntax changes |
Bottom Drag Model == ks | |
Include Salinity == 1,1 | |
Include Temperature == 1,1 | |
Include Sediment == 1,0 | Added to allow for sediment light absorption and phosphorus adsorption in later water quality simulations |
Spatial Order == 1,2 | No syntax changes |
Include Heat == 1 |
! MODULES | Start modules |
! Water Quality | |
Water Quality Model == tuflow | Set the water quality model to be the TUFLOW FV WQ Module |
Water Quality Control File == .\WQ_000.fvwq | Point to the WQ Module control file |
Water Quality Model Directory == ..\wqm\ | Point to the WQ Module directory where control and log files reside |
! Sediment Transport | |
Sediment Control File == ..\stm\WQ_000.fvsed | Point to the ST Module control file |
Shortwave Radiation Sediment Extinction Coefficients == 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 | Set sediment extinction coefficients for the four bands of light simulated |
! MATERIAL PROPERTIES | No syntax changes |
Set Mat == 1 | |
Read GIS Mat == ..\model\gis\2d_mat_WQMaterials_000_R.shp | Read more detailed WQ materials gis file |
Material == 1 | No syntax changes |
Bottom Roughness == 0.02 | |
End Material | |
Material == 2 | No syntax changes |
Bottom Roughness == 0.75 | |
End Material | |
Material == 3,4 | Add a fourth material for water quality simulation purposes |
Bottom Roughness == 1.3 | |
End Material |
! INITIAL CONDITIONS | Updated initial conditions |
Initial Temperature == 25. | |
Initial Water Level == 4.0 | |
Initial Salinity == 0.05 | |
Initial Sediment Concentration == 100.0 | Set global initial condition for sediment |
Initial WQ Concentration == 8.0 | Set global initial condition for dissolved oxygen |
! BOUNDARY CONDITIONS | Modified boundary condition block |
Read GIS Nodestring == ..\model\gis\2d_ns_WQBoundaries_000_L.shp | Add a nodestring GIS file for upstream nodestring inflow |
BC == Q, UpstreamInflow, ..\bc_dbase\Upstream_Q_WQ_000.csv | Add sediment (“FineSed_mgL-1”) and dissolved oxygen (“DO”) headers to the boundary condition file headers list |
BC Header == time_hr, flow_m3s-1, sal_ppt, temp_degC, FineSed_mgL-1, DO | |
BC Scale == 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0 | |
End BC | |
Read GIS SA == ..\model\gis\2d_sa_Outflow_000_R.shp | Add an SA polygon GIS file to capture the dam extraction |
BC == QC_POLY, Outflow_000, ..\bc_dbase\Downstream_Q_000.csv | Specify the dam extraction |
BC Header == time_hr,outflows | |
BC Scale == 1.0 | |
End BC | |
! Meteorological | No syntax changes |
Include == ..\bc_dbase\met\MET_2011.fvc |
! OUTPUT COMMANDS | Modified output commands block |
Logdir == log | No syntax changes |
Output Dir == ..\results\ | |
Output == netcdf | Specify netcdf output for hydrodynamic variables |
Output Parameters == h, v, d, temp, sed_1 | |
Output Interval == 3600. | |
Suffix == HD | |
End Output | |
Output == netcdf | Specify netcdf output for water quality variables |
Output Parameters == wq_all | |
Output Interval == 3600. | |
Suffix == WQ | |
End Output | |
Output == netcdf | Specify netcdf output for water quality diagnostic variables |
Output Parameters == wq_diag_all | |
Output Interval == 3600. | |
Suffix == WQ_diag | |
End Output |
To return to Tutorial Module 9 please refer to Tutorial Module 9.