Tutorial M04 DRAFT

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Tutorial Description

Read the Tutorial Model Introduction before starting this tutorial. It outlines programs requiring installation.

This tutorial is designed to introduce the skills required for floodplain modelling and builds upon the previous tutorials Tutorial Module 1, Tutorial Module 2 and Tutorial Module 3. Specifically, this tutorial demonstrates how to build three models:

  • A 2D floodplain model without topographic alterations or structures.
  • A 2D floodplain model with topographic alterations.
  • A 2D floodplain model with both topographic alterations and structures.

The workflow uses QGIS and Notepad++ to setup and run our models.

Model Domain

The tutorial focuses on a inland floodplain. The model domain is 0.5 km² and includes a low-flow channel and hydraulic structures.

Floodplain Model Domain

Requirements And Downloads

Requirement Brief Description
Model Data Download the Tutorial Module 4 Data Package MADDYTODO link this.
Assumed Knowledge It is recommended to complete Tutorial Module 3 prior to completing this tutorial.

Prepare Your Working Environment

Copy and unzip the folder to your preferred working location, for example E:\TUFLOWFV\Tutorial_M04.

  • The Complete_Model folder contains a completed version of the tutorial and its supporting files. You can use this as a reference if you require.
  • The Exe folder contains the TUFLOW FV executable used to run your models.
  • The Module_Data folder contains the model files required to complete this tutorial.
  • The Working folder is for the files you create and work within.
T01 SC folderDownload.png

Note: All file paths referred to will be relative to this base directory. For example, ModuleData\Mesh\Floodplain001.2dm refers to E:\TUFLOWFV\TutorialM03\ModuleData\Mesh\Floodplain_001.2dm MADDYTODO fix these paths and file examples

Initialise The Project With GIS Integration

Save The Workspace

Launch QGIS and use the below steps and video to save the workspace in the Working folder:

1. From the menu bar select Project > Save As.
2. Navigate to Working folder.
3. Save the workspace as Floodplain_001.qgz.

Set The Projection

Use the below steps and video to set your workspace projection:

1. Go to Project > Properties.
2. In the CRS tab, type WGS 84.
3. Select WGS 84 / UTM zone 60S in the Predefined Coordinate Reference Systems section.
4. Click Apply and OK.

Configuring A TUFLOW FV Project

The TUFLOW Viewer plugin is used to configure the TUFLOW FV project. This includes specifying the model and executable file paths, defining the GIS projection (i.e. the geographic coordinate system used for the TUFLOW FV model, all inputs need to use the same projection) and writing GIS empty files for model inputs. Use the below steps and video as guide to configure your TUFLOW FV project:

1. Select the Configure / Create TUFLOW Project symbol from the TUFLOW Plugin toolbar.
M03 Plugin Config.png
2. Click Select CRS and use the filter to select: WGS 84 / UTM zone 60S.
3. Click Browse... to select the folder location of the Working folder. This creates the default TUFLOW FV model directory and sub-folders.
4. Click Browse... to select the location of the TUFLOW FV single precision executable file. Note: The provided version may differ from the video, however use the build provided in the Exe folder.
5. Select SHP as the GIS Format.
6. Select TUFLOW Flexible Mesh (TUFLOW FV).
7. Tick all box options:
  • Save Default Settings Globally (for all projects): The settings configured by this window sets the default for opening a new QGIS workspace.
  • Create Model Folder Structure: The TUFLOW sub-folders (e.g. bc_dbase, model, runs) are made within the Working\TUFLOWFV folder.
  • Create Template Files: This creates the 'empty' gis file template folder in Working\TUFLOWFV\model\gis folder. It contains all the TUFLOW FV template files in the projection set above. It is important to create new template files for each project to ensure the projection is correct.
  • Tutorial Model: Sets a command within the automatically generated FVC instructing TUFLOWFV to run the tutorial model licence free.
8. Click OK and a TUFLOW FV DOS console window opens. This runs the first part of a TUFLOW FV model initialisation and creates TUFLOW FV folder structure, projection file, TUFLOW FV empty GIS files and base FVC file called Create_Empties.fvc. In the windows explorer navigate to Working\TUFLOWFV to review the newly created folder structure and files.
T04 ConfigTFVProj.png

Reviewing The Model Domain

Become familiar with the model location, using aerial imagery, DEM, and the model mesh.

Firstly, review the model location and DEM using the below steps and video:

  1. Drag and drop the DEM_UTM_z60s.asc file from Module_Data\DEM into the workspace.
  2. Drag and drop the Aerial_Image.jpg file from Module_Data\Aerial_Photo into the workspace.
  3. Right click on the Aerial_Image in the Layers panel and select Properties. From the Transparency tab update the Global Opacity to 50%. Apply and OK.
  4. Right click on the DEM_UTM_z60s in the Layers panel and select Properties. From the Symbology tab select the Render type drop down and select Hillshade. Apply and OK.

Use the below steps and video to copy and review the model mesh:

  1. Copy Floodplain_001.2dm from Module_Data\Mesh and paste it into Working\TUFLOWFV\model\geo. Then drag and drop Floodplain_001.2dm into the workspace.
  2. Right click on the Floodplain_001.2dm file in the Layers panel and select Properties. Set the following symbology:
    • Select the Rendering tab and check Native Mesh Rendering and assign a Line width of 0.10.
    • Select the Contours tab and update the Color ramp to Viridis. Select Apply and OK.

Base 2D Floodplain Model

This section of the tutorial outlines the process of building a basic 2D floodplain model. Specifically, it covers:

  • Defining the model boundaries and inflow locations.
  • Reviewing the model materials.
  • Review flux and create a PO point.
  • Reviewing the floodplain inflow boundary conditions.
  • Outlines the TUFLOW FV control file and materials include file.

Required Files

To save you time and allow focus on model simulation and review, multiple model files have been provided:

  1. From data package copy the files in the Module_Data folder outlined in the Module_Data\ column (refer to below table).
  2. Paste these files into the relevant folders outlined in the Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV column (refer to below table).
Module_Data\GIS Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV Description
2d_mat_Land_Use_001_R.* \model\gis Specifies the spatial location of varying material types within the model domain.
2d_ns_Flux_Monitoring_001_L.* \model\gis GIS polyline layer that defines 2d_ns used to output fluxes across nodestrings. The suffix _L defines a polyline feature type.
Module_Data\Model Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV Description
Floodplain_001.fvc \runs TUFLOW FV control file defined as .fvc file.
Materials_001.fvc \runs Materials include file which specifies the bed roughness of the material types within the model domain.
Inflows_001.csv \bc_dbase Flow vs time inflow boundary condtion.

*Multiple files with the same name as the shapefile but with a different file extension support a shapefile (e.g. .shx, .prj, .cpg, .dbf). Ensure you copy all files into relevant folder.

Spatial Definition Of Open boundaries

TUFLOW FV uses nodestrings to specify the location of open boundary conditions. This section demonstrates how to create the nodestrings by first importing an empty template GIS layer using the TUFLOW plugin, then digitising the nodestring locations.

Use the below steps and video to import an empty 2d_ns shapefile:

  1. Select the Import Empty File symbol from the TUFLOW Plugin toolbar. Visit TUFLOW FV Empty Files for more information on empty file types.
  2. In the empty dialog box set the following:
    • Check the Empty Directory is set to the Working\TUFLOWFV\model\gis\empty directory.
    • Select the Empty Type 2d_ns.
    • Update the Run ID name to Open_Boundaries_001.
    • Check the Geometry Type: Lines.
    • Select OK.
  3. From the TUFLOW Plugin toolbar select Apply TUFLOW Styles to Current Layer. This style shows the direction of the nodestring which is nesseccary for the next steps.

  Now that the empty Nodestring file has been the open boundaries can be digitised. Use the following steps and video to digitise the nodestrings:

  1. Select 2d_ns_Open_Boundaries_001_L from the Layers panel and select Toggle Editing from the Digitizing toolbar. Then Select Add Line Feature and zoom into the downstream channel boundary (refer to video).
  2. Using the video as a reference digitise a line from right to left along the boundary. Note the boundary conditions do not need to be snapped to the mesh when using the BD flag.
  3. Use the right mouse button to terminate the line. An attributes dialog will appear, use the below attributes:
    • ID = Downstream
    • Flags = BD
  4. Zoom into the upstream channel boundary (refer to video). Repeat Step 2 - 3 and use the below attributes:
    • ID = Upstream
    • Flags = BD
  5. From the Digitizing toolbar select Toggle Editing and Save.
  6. From the TUFLOW Plugin toolbar select Apply Labels to Current Layer. Zoom out and review – the nodestrings should resemble those in the video.

Add Point Inflow

TUFLOW FV uses a 2d_sa point file to define a source-point boundary (flow vs. time) by applying the flow directly to the cell where the point is digitised. Follow the steps below and video to create the 2d_sa file and digitise the point location:

  1. Select the Import Empty File symbol from the TUFLOW Plugin toolbar.
  2. In the empty dialog box set the following:
    • Check the Empty Directory is set to the Working\TUFLOWFV\model\gis\empty directory.
    • Select the Empty Type 2d_sa.
    • Update the Run ID name to Point_Inflows_001.
    • Check the Geometry Type: Points.
    • Select OK.
  3. Select 2d_sa_Point_Inflows_001_P from the Layers panel and select Toggle Editing from the Digitizing toolbar. Then Select Add Point Feature and zoom into the downstream channel boundary (refer to video).
  4. Add a point over the dam towards the far eastern boundary (refer to video) and use below attribute:
    • Name = FC04
  5. From the Digitising toolbar select Toggle Editing and Save. From the TUFLOW Plugin toolbar select Apply TUFLOW Styles to Current Layer and Apply Labels to Current Layer.

Review Materials

TUFLOW FV uses polygons to specify the spatial location of varying material types within the model domain. To reduce the amount of digitising required in this tutorial we have provided the material file. In this model we have assigned five material types:

Landuse Manning's 'n' Bed Roughness Material ID
Pasture 0.04 1
Roads 0.02 2
Buildings 0.10 3
Water bodies 0.03 4
Creek Channel 0.08 5

Use the below steps and video to review the model material types:

  1. Navigate to Working\TUFLOWFV\model\gis.
  2. Drag and drop 2d_mat_Land_Use_001_R.shp into the QGIS workspace.
  3. Select Apply Label current layer and review the material types throughout the model domain.

Flux and Point Outputs

TUFLOW FV uses nodestrings to specify the spatial location of flux reporting time series locations. To reduce the amount of digitising required in this tutorial the 2d_ns_Flux_Monitoring_001_L.* polyline file has been provided.

Use the below steps and video to review the provided flux nodestrings:

  1. Navigate to Working\TUFLOWFV\model\gis.
  2. Drag and drop 2d_ns_Flux_Monitoring_001_L.shp into the QGIS workspace.
  3. Select Apply TUFLOW Styles to Current Layer and Apply Label current layer.

Points can be used to define point output locations for time series reporting. Follow the steps below and video to create a 3d_po file and digitise the point output location:

  1. Select the Import Empty File symbol from the TUFLOW Plugin toolbar.
  2. In the empty dialog box set the following:
    • Check the Empty Directory is set to the Working\TUFLOWFV\model\gis\empty directory.
    • Select the Empty Type 3d_po.
    • Update the Run ID name to Output_Points_001.
    • Check the Geometry Type: Points.
    • Select OK.
  3. Select 3d_po_Output_Points_001_P from the Layers panel and select Toggle Editing from the Digitizing toolbar. Then Select Add Point Feature and zoom into the downstream channel boundary (refer to video).
  4. Add a point over the dam towards the far eastern boundary (refer to video) and use below attribute:
    • Label = Point_1
  5. From the Digitising toolbar select Toggle Editing and Save.
  6. Once complete save and close the QGIS workspace.

MADDYTODO make a step that they need to close the model files

Boundary Condition Data.

Boundary conditions define how external hydrodynamic (water movement) and meteorological (weather-related) forces are applied to a model. This model uses a hydrodynamic boundary condition type, and the data is provided in a .csv file to simplify the setup.

To review the inflow data, open Working\TUFLOWFV\bcdbase\Inflows.csv, and plot Time_hr on the x-axis and FC01 on the y-axis. Note FC01 represents the flow rate (m³/s) at the upstream boundary (2d_ns).

For this tutorial, the boundary conditions represent a typical flood event. Key features of the hydrograph:

  • Rising limb: The flow increases quickly from zero, often with a steep slope, depending on how quickly the rainwater reaches the river.
  • Peak flow: The highest point on the graph, showing the maximum flow rate during the flood event.
  • Falling limb: After the peak, the flow decreases gradually, but it may take some time before the water level returns to normal.

T04 hydrograph.png

FC04 is applied at the source-point boundary (2d_sa), which represents a small sub-catchment of the floodplain, resulting in flow rates that are significantly lower than those of the main channel. Note the boundary conditins in columns D-J will be used in later sections of the tutorial. Once completed reviewing the model boundary condition data Close the Inflows.csv.

T04 inflowFC04.png

TUFLOW FV Control File

The TUFLOW FV Control File (.fvc extension) is created via a text editor. Notepad++ is recommended for this purpose as it allows for syntax highlighting of TUFLOW FV specific commands. This configuration information is provided in Notepad++ Tips.

The required commands are provided in the code blocks below. A brief description is also provided via a series of comments (green text after ! syntax). Copy the commands into your fvc file and save the file in Notepad++.

! TUFLOW FV Tutorial  
! 2D Floodplain Model
GIS FORMAT  ==  SHP			                                ! GIS layers will be ESRI Shapefile
SHP Projection  == ..\model\gis\projection.prj		                ! Projection string. All GIS layers in the model need to be in the same reference system
Tutorial Model  == ON			                                ! Run the model in license free demo/tutorial mode
! Write Empty GIS Files == ..\model\gis\empty			        ! Generate empty template GIS layers. Already completed via QGIS 
Hardware  ==  CPU			                                ! The model uses the CPU
Spatial Order  ==  1,1			                                ! Horizontal 1st order scheme, Vertical 1st order scheme. 1st-order schemes assume a piecewise constant value of the modelled variables in each cell
Units  ==  Metric			                                ! Specifies the model Units to metric (default)
Bottom Drag Model  ==  Manning			                        ! Use Manning's 'n' Coefficient for bed roughness
Time Format  ==  HOURS			                                ! Specifies the model time format to hours (default), when using hours time units are in decimal hours
Start Time  ==  0.0			                                ! Model start time in hours
End Time  ==   3.0			                                ! Model end time in hours
CFL  ==   0.95			                                        ! Courant stability criterion
Timestep Limits  ==  0.01, 0.3			                        ! Minimum model timestep (s), Maximum model timestep (s)
Cell Wet/Dry Depths  ==  0.001, 0.02				        ! Cell wet depth (m) below this depth the cell has its momentum set to zero, Cell dry depth (m) below this depth cell is dropped from computation (mass conserving)
Momentum Mixing Model  ==  Smagorinsky			                ! Sub-grid scale eddy viscosity model
Global Horizontal Eddy Viscosity  ==  0.4			        ! Smagorinsky coefficient
Global Horizontal Eddy Viscosity Limits   ==  0.05, 99999.	        ! Minimum eddy viscosity (m^2/s), Maximum eddy viscosity (m^2/s)
Geometry 2D  ==  ..\model\geo\Floodplain_001.2dm		        ! Computational mesh
! Topography/Bathymetry Set Zpts == 90.0 ! Sets the default elevation (m) Read Grid Zpts == ..\model\geo\DEM_UTM_z60s.asc ! Digital elevation model ! Materials Set Mat == 1 ! Sets the default material to Ocean Read GIS Mat == ..\model\gis\2d_mat_Land_Use_001_R.shp ! Material 2d_mat polygon GIS layer Include == Materials.fvc ! Material properties kept in TUFLOW FV Include file to keep fvc organised ! Boundary and Flux Reporting Nodestrings Read GIS Nodestring == ..\model\gis\2d_ns_Open_Boundaries_001_L.shp ! Open boundary 2d_ns nodestring GIS layer Read GIS SA == ..\model\gis\2d_sa_Point_Inflows_001_P.shp ! Point inflow 2d_sa point GIS layer Read GIS Nodestring == ..\model\gis\2d_ns_Flux_Monitoring_001_L.shp ! Flux 2d_ns nodestring GIS layer
! Not applicable. Assume dry downstream boundary at start time.
BC == Q, Upstream, ..\bc_dbase\Inflows.csv                              ! Nodestring flow, nodestring ID provided from your 2d_ns nodestring GIS layer and csv input
 BC Header == time_hr, FC01                                             ! Decimal hour time, flow (m^3/s)  
 Sub-Type == 4                                                          ! Nodestring cell inflow, with cell width and depth considered. For overland application with inflows over an initially dry bed, subtype 4 is recommended
End BC 
BC == QN, Downstream, 0.01 ! Cell inflow (m3/s), Flow vs time cell inflow boundary End BC
BC == QC, FC04, ..\bc_dbase\Inflows.csv ! Cell inflow (m3/s), Flow vs time cell inflow boundary file BC Header == time_hr, FC04 ! Decimal hour time, flow (m^3/s) End BC
! Not applicable. Structures will be covered in later sections of the tutorial.
Logdir == log ! Directory where the TUFLOW FV log file will be saved
Write Check Files == ..\check ! Directory where GIS check files will be saved
Output Dir == ..\results\ ! Directory where time series and map output results will be saved
Output == netcdf ! Output block, NetCDF output format Output Parameters == h, v, d ! Water level, velocity, water depth
Output Interval == 300. ! Results will be saved every 300 seconds (5mins) of simulation time Output Statistics == max ! Tracks maximum statistics type Output Statistics dt == 1 ! Output statistics dt in seconds End Output
Output == flux ! Output fluxes across nodestrings Output Interval == 180. ! Results will be saved every 180 seconds (3mins) of simulation time
End Output
Output == mass ! Report whole of model mass content Output Interval == 300. ! Results will be saved every 300 seconds (5mins) of simulation time
End Output
Output == points ! Output results at fixed point location Read GIS PO == ..\model\gis\3d_po_Output_Points_001_P.shp ! Fixed point location file
Output Parameters == h, v, d ! Water level, velocity, water depth Output Interval == 180. ! Results will be saved every 180 seconds (3mins) of simulation time End Output

Since multiple material types are used in this model, an include file (Material.fvc) has been utilised to keep the FVC organised. The required material commands are provided in the code block below, with brief descriptions included as comments (green text after ! syntax).

! Material Specification  
! Bottom roughness coefficients for Manning's Bed Roughness Model 
Material == 1 ! Pasture Bottom Roughness == 0.04 ! Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient End Material
Material == 2 ! Roads Bottom Roughness == 0.02 ! Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient End Material
Material == 3 ! Buildings Bottom Roughness == 0.1 ! Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient End Material
Material == 4 ! Water Bodies Bottom Roughness == 0.03 ! Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient End Material
Material == 5 ! Creek Channel Bottom Roughness == 0.08 ! Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient End Material


The model will be run using a Windows Batch file. This approach calls the TUFLOW FV executable file (.exe) and runs the TUFLOW FV Control file (.fvc).

An example batch file (run_simulations.bat) has been included in the tutorial dataset download within the Complete_Model\TUFLOWFV\runs folder.
  1. Copy the .bat file into your Working\TUFLOWFV\runs and open it in Notepad++.
  2. Line 2 (as shown in the figure below) includes a file path to the executable from Exe\2025.0.0. Note: A relative path is used for the executable and the FVC, a full file path can also be used. The path is saved to the local Windows environment variable exe. Line 4 sets the number of parallel CPU threads to run the simulation on. Line 6 calls the TUFLOW FV executable file (it's path is saved in the environmental variation exe) and runs Floodplain_001.fvc. Line 9 keeps the Windows prompt open, rather than closing it automatically after the simulation completes.
  3. On Line 7 and 8 ensure to add the text rem. REM stands for remark and it disables the line from being executed by Windows. This batch file will run Floodplain_001.fvc but it will not run the simulation Floodplain_002.fvc and Floodplain_002.fvc (these are additional models presented later in the tutorial).
  4. Save the batch file and double click it in file explorer to run the simulation.
T04 Batch run.png

To run the batch file, double click on run_simulations.bat from Windows Explorer:

For more information on setting up a .bat file and running multiple models, head to Running TUFLOW FV.

Review Results

In this section we will review map output results in QGIS using the TUFLOW Viewer Plugin.

As shown below our model setup specifies an output format as a NetCDF file with the map output parameters water level (h), velocity (v), and water depth (d), saved every 300 seconds (5 mins).

Output == NetCDF                                                       ! Output block, NetCDF output format 
  Output Parameters == h, v, d                                         ! Water level, velocity, water depth
  Output Interval == 300.                                              ! Results will be saved every 300 seconds (5mins) of simulation time
End Output

Results are saved to the file: Working\TUFLOWFV\results\Floodplain_001.nc.

Note: Model outputs from TUFLOW FV will have the same file name as the TUFLOW FV Control file, however the extension is modified, in this case to '.nc', for NetCDF format.  

Use the below steps and video to set up the TUFLOW Viewer display and open the results:

  1. Open the TUFLOW Viewer and move it under the layer panel to make it easier to visualise the results (refer to video).
  2. From the TUFLOW Viewer select File > Load Results - Map Outputs. Navigate to Floodplain_001.nc in the Working\TUFLOWFV\results folder and open it.

Use the below steps and video to specify the display options of the results:

  1. Under the Result Type, select velocity vector and water depth. Then right click within the Result Type panel and select Properties.
  2. From the Layer Properties - Floodplain_001 -- Symbology select the Rendering tab. Make sure the Native Mesh Rendering is checked and update the Line width to 0.1 and click Apply.
  3. Select the Vectors tab and update the following:
    • Check Display on User Grid.
    • Specify an X spacing of 15px and Y spacing of 15px.
    • Set the Arrow Length to Scaled to Magnitude with a length of 8.0.
    • Select Apply.
  4. Select the Contours tab and update the following:
    • Set the Color ramp to Blues.
    • Select Apply and OK.

MADDYTODO update this video with correct styling of vectors

From the TUFLOW Viewer press Play Through Timesteps to visuilse how the depth and velocity vectors change throughout the simulations. Pay particular attention to how the roadways across the floodplain act as hydraulic controls, impacting the flow dynamics.

It's important to note that this current model does not incorporate topographic alterations or man-made structures around these roadways. These features can significantly affect water flow, and their inclusion will enhance the accuracy of the model. We will address these adjustments in later sections of this tutorial, where we will explore how to incorporate them into the simulation for a more realistic representation of the floodplain’s hydraulic behavior.

MADDYTODO update this video with correct styling of vectors

Use the below steps to create a timeseries of the velocity results:

  1. From the Result Type unselect velocity vectors and water depth. Select velocity.
  2. From the TUFLOW Viewer click the First Timestep button and check Show Current Time.
  3. Zoom in on the roadway near the upstream end of the channel. (refer to video).
  4. Select the Plot Time Series drop down Tut 01 TSplot button .png and check velocity.
  5. Select the Plot Time Series button the Tut 01 TSplot button .png and your cursor will become a crosshair [+]. Digitise the time series point within the channel downstream of the roadway (refer to video).
  6. From the TUFLOW Viewer press Play Through Timesteps. Observe the delay in velocity as the road embankment retains the flow, followed by a sharp increase in velocity once the road is overtopped.

Use the below steps to view the flux and PO results:

  1. From the TUFLOW Viewer select Clear Current Plot and uncheck Show Current Time.
  2. select File > Load Results - Time Series. Navigate to Floodplain_001.tpc in the Working\TUFLOWFV\results\plot folder and open it.
  3. When prompted Do you also want to open result GIS layer? select Yes.
  4. Select the Apply Label to Current Layer for both the point and line shapefiles.
  5. From the Layer panel make sure Floodplain_001_PLOT_L is selected. Then under the Result Type select Flow from the Time Series option.
  6. Using the Select features cursor select the flux lines and view the plot window. Holding shift select flux lines NSCH50 and NSCH1120 and compare how the flux changes across the model domain. When finished click on the workspace window to unselect the flux lines.
  7. From the Layer panel select Floodplain_001_PLOT_P. Then under the Result Type select Depth and unselect the Flow option from the Time Series option.
  8. Using the Select Features cursor, select Point_001. This point represents the depth result at that cell throughout the model duration, which is useful for analysing model output at that specific location.

MADDYTODO make a step that they need to close the model files and results

2D Floodplain Model With Topographic Alterations

This section of the tutorial outlines how to implement topographic changes to represent the floodplain using 2D_zln point and line files. Specifically, it covers:

  • Defining the road crest.
  • Defining the channel thalweg.
  • Updating the control file with topographic changes.
  • Reviewing check files to ensure the topographic changes are correctly applied.
  • Comparing the original floodplain model (Floodplain_001) results with the updated model results that account for topographic changes (Floodplain_002).

Required Files

To save you time and allow focus on model simulation and review, multiple model files have been provided:

  1. From data package copy the files in the Module_Data folder outlined in the Module_Data\ column (refer to below table).
  2. Paste these files into the relevant folders outlined in the Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV column (refer to below table).
Module_Data\GIS Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV Description
2d_zln_Rd_Crest_002_L.* \model\gis GIS polyline layer that defines the spatial location of the 2d_zln used to define the road crest in this model. The suffix _L defines a polyline feature type.
2d_zln_Rd_Crest_002_P.* \model\gis GIS point layer that defines the elevation the along the 2d_zln polyline file. In the model, this file is used to define spatial variations in elevation along the road crest. The suffix _P defines a point feature type.
2d_zln_Thalweg_002_L. \model\gis GIS polyline layer that defines the spatial location of the 2d_zln used to define the channel thalweg. The suffix _L defines a polyline feature type.
2d_zln_Thalweg_002_P. \model\gis GIS point layer that defines the elevation the along the 2d_zln polyline file. In the model, this file is used to define spatial variations in elevation along the channel thalweg. The suffix _P defines a point feature type.

*Multiple files with the same name as the shapefile but with a different file extension support a shapefile (e.g. .shx, .prj, .cpg, .dbf). Ensure you copy all files into relevant folder.

Reviewing Topographic Alterations

In this tutorial, multiple 2D_zln files are used, combining GIS polyline layers and point data to define features that act as critical hydraulic controls within the floodplain. This approach is particularly useful for specifying the crest elevation of raised roads or levees that traverse the floodplain, or for defining the thalweg of channels.

In this example, the point files contain elevation data, while the polyline shapefile includes road crest and thalweg breaklines. This setup is beneficial for managing data and especially helpful when viewing or interrogating the data in GIS.

Use the below steps and video to review the 2d_zln shapefiles provided:

  1. Navigate to TUFLOWFV\model\gis and drag and drop the following files into the workspace. Note that the file extension for each file must be .shp.
    • 2d_zln_Thalweg_002_P.shp.
    • 2d_zln_Thalweg_002_L.shp.
  2. Select 2d_zln_Thalweg_002_P and click Apply Label to Current Layer.
  3. Right click 2d_zln_Thalweg_002_L and select Properties. Update the line colour to blue and line width 0.5.
  4. Review the channel thalweg and elvations values

  1. Navigate to \gis and drag and drop the following files into the workspace. Note that the file extension for each file must be .shp.
    • 2d_zln_Rd_Crest_002_P.shp.
    • 2d_zln_Rd_Crest_002_L.shp.
  2. Check on 2d_zln_Rd_Crest_002_P and 2d_zln_Rd_Crest_002_L. Update the Update the line display and assign the points with labels.
  3. Note that one of the roads is incomplete.

Editing Topography


Update TUFLOW FV Control File


Review Check Files

Review Results

2D Floodplain Model With Structures

MADDYTODOThis section of the tutorial outlines the process of building a basic 2D floodplain model. Specifically, it covers:

  • Defining the road crest.
  • Defining the channel thalweg
  • reviewing check files to confirm topographic changes worked
  • Comparing the Floodplain_001 and Floodplain_001 model results.
  • Outlines the TUFLOW FV control file and materials include file.

Required Files

To save you time and allow focus on model simulation and review, multiple model files have been provided:

  1. From data package copy the files in the Module_Data folder outlined in the Module_Data\ column (refer to below table).
  2. Paste these files into the relevant folders outlined in the Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV column (refer to below table).
Module_Data\GIS Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV Description
2d_mat_Land_Use_001_R.* \model\gis Specifies the spatial location of varying material types within the model domain.
2d_ns_Flux_Monitoring_001_L.* \model\gis GIS polyline layer that defines 2d_ns used to output fluxes across nodestrings. The suffix _L defines a polyline feature type.
Module_Data\Model Copy to Working\TUFLOWFV Description
Floodplain_001.fvc \runs TUFLOW FV control file defined as .fvc file.
Materials_001.fvc \runs Materials include file which specifies the bed roughness of the material types within the model domain.
Inflows_001.csv \bc_dbase Flow vs time inflow boundary condtion.

*Multiple files with the same name as the shapefile but with a different file extension support a shapefile (e.g. .shx, .prj, .cpg, .dbf). Ensure you copy all files into relevant folder.