TUFLOW FV Empty Files

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The native non-Graphical User Interface (GUI) form of TUFLOW uses Geographic Information System (GIS) files for its spatial inputs. TUFLOW requires precise GIS file formats associated with specific TUFLOW commands. The required fields for each input type are listed in the TUFLOW FV Manual. For example, the 2d_ns_empty file associated with the Read GIS Nodestring == command requires the following data fields and types in the order shown below:

Nodestring Fields.PNG

Because of this file format requirement, the first task in any modelling project is to write template (empty) GIS files in the specific model projection system (as demonstrated in Tutorial Module 1).

This page of the TUFLOW FV Wiki provides a reference list of the template (empty) GIS files, the associated TUFLOW FV command and a basic description of their function.

Note: when using the shapefile format TUFLOW creates a dummy entry when creating empty files. Importing an empty layer into QGIS using the Import Empty tool, will remove this dummy entry. Opening a template empty file directly in QGIS (without using the Import Empty tool), the dummy entry will remain in the layer and garbled text shown in the attribute fields.

TUFLOW FV Control file (FVC)

Template (empty) GIS File Compatible TUFLOW Commands File / Command Function
2d_mat_empty Read GIS MAT == Used to define 2D materials (land use) inputs.
2d_ns_empty Read GIS Nodestring == Used to define the location of model nodestrings. Nodestrings select a series of cell faces and are used to define open boundary conditions, and connections between 1D hydraulic structures and the 2D/3D domain. Also used to define flux reporting time series locations.
3d_po_empty Read GIS PO == Used to define point output locations for time series reporting.
2d_sa_empty Read GIS SA == Used to define the cells where of flow verse time boundaries are to be applied.
2d_zln_empty Read GIS Z Line == Used to update topography within a model. Polylines are treated as breaklines in the model’s topography (with the breakline height or elevation varying along its length).
2d_zn_empty Read GIS Zone == Used to define connections between 1D hydraulics structures and the 2D/3D domain when using linked zone structure types.
Note: Template shapefiles will also include a suffix describing the object type:

_L = Lines features
_P = Point features
_R = Region (polygon) features

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