TUFLOW FV Example Models DRAFT

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These example models have been developed to demonstrate the most common TUFLOW FV model design features and applications. This dataset is useful for experienced modellers wishing to further develop their skills via demonstration examples. New users are encouraged to familiarise themselves with TUFLOW FV through the Tutorial Model Introduction before using this dataset. Unlike the tutorials, this dataset does not include step-by-step instructions / documentation. Users of this dataset are expected to have a basic knowledge of TUFLOW FV, and have suitable skills to open the model files by referencing the TUFLOW FV Control File (FVC) referenced in the feature catalogue list below.

Example Model Data

The model data is available for download from https://downloads.tuflow.com/TUFLOWFV/Example_Models/TUFLOWFV_Example_Model_Dataset.zip
The dataset only includes model input files. The models can be run to create simulation check and result files. A batch file (*.bat) for each of the example feature categories has been provided within the "runs" folder of each TUFLOW FV project.

If you are unfamiliar with using batch files, additional information explaining how to use them to execute multiple simulations is available here: Running TUFLOW FV from a Batch File.

Example Model Catalogue

Below is a complete list of the example models. This dataset uses TUFLOW FV as the computational engine.

Please note that the example flood model has the majority of TUFLOW FV 2D hydrodynamic features demonstrated. Features in the example flood model can be transferred to any TUFLOW FV model domain whether it be flooding, estuarine or coastal hydrodynamics. The coastal model examples include additional 2D hydrodynamic model features applicable to the coastal domain. These examples will be expanded over time to include further functionality.

Example Flood Model

These suite of examples is based on a small rural catchment. We start with the Base 2D Flood Model and progressively add alternative features that you can review. The Base 2D Flood Model contains the following key features and commands:

  • GIS integration
  • Hardware selection
  • Model parameters
  • Time period and timestepping
  • Turbulence models
  • Topography - Mesh, DEM, GIS Z Lines
  • Material assignment
  • Boundary locations (Nodestring and Point Inflows)
  • Hydraulic structure (culverts and weirs)
  • Output options

Click on the following shortcuts to skip directly to the targeted major feature category in the table below:

Example Model Catalogue - Flood Models
Model Category Description Model Name
Base 2D Base 2D Flood Model FLD000_2D_001.fvc
Simulation Configuration Second Order Spatial Scheme FLD001_2D_001.fvc
Imperial Units FLD001_2D_002.fvc
Bottom Drag Model ks FLD001_2D_003.fvc
Time Format ISODATE FLD001_2D_004.fvc
GPU Base 2D Flood Model FLD001_2D_005.fvc
CFL Criterion FLD001_2D_006.fvc
Turbulence Horizontal Momentum Mixing Model Constant FLD002_2D_001.fvc
Horizontal Momentum Mixing Model Wu FLD002_2D_002.fvc
Material Specified Options Material Specifications - Eddy Viscosity FLD003_2D_001.fvc
Material Specifications - Bed Elevation Limits FLD003_2D_002.fvc
Material Specifications - Spatial Reconstruction With Second Order FLD003_2D_003.fvc
Boundary Conditions Boundary Condition HQ FLD004_2D_001.fvc
Boundary Condition QC FLD004_2D_002.fvc
Boundary Condition QG FLD004_2D_003.fvc
Boundary Condition HQ and QN FLD004_2D_004.fvc
Boundary Condition QN FLD004_2D_005.fvc
Boundary Condition ZG FLD004_2D_006.fvc
Boundary Condition BC SCALE FLD004_2D_007.fvc
Boundary Condition BC OFFSET FLD004_2D_008.fvc
Boundary Condition BC DEFAULT FLD004_2D_009.fvc
Boundary Condition QC_POLY FLD004_2D_010.fvc
Restart File Write Restart File FLD005_2D_001.fvc
Read Restart File FLD005_2D_002.fvc
Read Restart File Ignore Restart dt FLD005_2D_003.fvc
Write Separate Restart File for Each Hour (Don't Overwrite) FLD005_2D_004.fvc
Read Restart File at Specific Time From Previous Sim. FLD005_2D_005.fvc
Outputs Output DATV FLD006_2D_001.fvc
Output NetCDF FLD006_2D_002.fvc
Output NetCDF With Stats FLD006_2D_003.fvc
Output NetCDF With Stats and Output Compression FLD006_2D_004.fvc
Output Two NetCDF With Suffix FLD006_2D_005.fvc
Output Two NetCDF With Suffix and Output Compression FLD006_2D_006.fvc
Hydraulic Structures Linked Nodestrings - Culvert FLD007_2D_001.fvc
Single Nodestring Bridge (Energy Loss Coefficient and Blockage File) FLD007_2D_002.fvc
Single Nodestring Bridge (Energy Loss Coefficient and Width File) FLD007_2D_003.fvc
Linked Zones - Culvert FLD007_2D_004.fvc
Single Nodestring Bridge (Energy Loss File) FLD007_2D_005.fvc

Example Coastal Model

This suite of coastal examples is based on the Gulf of Carpentaria Tutorial Module 04. We start with the Base 2D Coastal Model and progressively add alternative features that you can review. Please note that the example Flood Model contains a more exhaustive list of TUFLOW FV features. If you would like to experiment each can be added to the Coastal Model. The Base 2D Coastal Model contains the following key features and commands:

  • Model parameters
  • Time period and timestepping
  • Turbulence models
  • Topography - Mesh
  • Output options

Click on the following shortcuts to skip directly to the targeted major feature category in the table below:

Example Model Catalogue - Coastal Models
Model Category Description Model Name
Base 2D Base 2D Coastal Model CST000_2D_001.fvc
Simulation Configuration GPU Base 2D Coastal Model CST001_2D_001.fvc
2D Geometry Read GRID Zpts CST002_2D_001.fvc
Cell Elevation File - Coordinate CST002_2D_002.fvc
READ GIS Z Line - Line Only CST002_2D_003.fvc
READ GIS Z Line - Line With Points Snapped CST002_2D_004.fvc
READ GIS Z Line - Polygon CST002_2D_005.fvc
Meteorological Inputs ERA5 Get Atmos Input - Wind and Pressure Only CST003_2D_001.fvc
Boundary Conditions BC - QC CST004_2D_001.fvc
BC - QC_POLY CST004_2D_002.fvc
BC - QG CST004_2D_003.fvc
BC - ZQ CST004_2D_004.fvc
BC Default CST004_2D_005.fvc
BC Offset CST004_2D_006.fvc
BC Scale CST004_2D_007.fvc
Write Transport File CST004_2D_008.fvc
Read Transport File CST004_2D_009.fvc
Wind - Wu Model With Single Holland Parametric Cyclone Model CST004_2D_010.fvc
Materials Materials CST005_2D_001.fvc
Materials - Include File CST005_2D_002.fvc
Materials - Bed Elevation CST005_2D_003.fvc
Materials - Eddy Viscosity CST005_2D_004.fvc
Materials - Manning CST005_2D_005.fvc
2D Advection Dispersion Salinity CST006_2D_001.fvc
Salinity With Density Coupling CST006_2D_002.fvc
Temperature CST006_2D_003.fvc
Temperature With Heat Module (Including Heat Meteorological Inputs) CST006_2D_004.fvc
Temperature With Heat Module and Density Coupling (Including Heat Meteorological Inputs) CST006_2D_005.fvc
Salinity and Temperature With Heat Module and Density Coupling (Including Heat Meteorological Inputs) CST006_2D_006.fvc
1 Tracer - Point Inflow CST006_2D_007.fvc
2 Tracers - Point Inflows CST006_2D_008.fvc
1 Tracer With Decay CST006_2D_009.fvc
1 Tracer With Settling CST006_2D_010.fvc
1 Tracer - Flushing Analysis CST006_2D_011.fvc
1 Tracer - Constant Scalar Mixing Model CST006_2D_0012.fvc
1 Tracer - Smagorinsky Scalar Mixing Model CST006_2D_013.fvc
Restart File Write Restart File CST007_2D_001.fvc
Read Restart File CST007_2D_002.fvc
Read Restart File Ignore Restart dt CST007_2D_003.fvc
Write Separate Restart File for Each Hour (Don't Overwrite) CST007_2D_004.fvc
Read Restart File at Specific Time From Previous Sim. CST007_2D_005.fvc

Example Estuary Model

This suite of estuary examples is based on Tutorial Module 05. The 3D Estuary Model example suite primarily focuses on 3D boundary condition types. Please note that the example Flood Model and example Coastal Model each contains a more exhaustive list of TUFLOW FV features. If you would like to experiment, each feature can be added to the Estuary Model.

Click on the following shortcuts to skip directly to the targeted major feature category in the table below:

Example Model Catalogue - Estuary Models
Model Category Description Model Name
Base 3D Base 3D Estuary Model EST000_3D_001.fvc
Simulation Configuration GPU Base 3D Estuary Model EST001_3D_001.fvc
Boundary Conditions QC (Vertical Distribution Types) EST002_3D_001.fvc
QC (Extraction Types) EST002_3D_002.fvc
QC_POLY EST002_3D_003.fvc
QCM EST002_3D_004.fvc
FC EST002_3D_005.fvc
FC_POLY EST002_3D_006.fvc
FCM EST002_3D_007.fvc
FORCE EST002_3D_008.fvc
FORCE_POLY EST002_3D_009.fvc
FORCEM EST002_3D_010.fvc
CP EST002_3D_011.fvc
Read CP Model Restart File EST002_3D_012.fvc
CP_POLY EST002_3D_013.fvc
Read CP_POLY Model Restart File EST002_3D_014.fvc
Meteorological Inputs (.csv) EST002_3D_015.fvc


We hope the example model dataset has been useful in helping you test and build your models. To complete more tutorials or learn more tips and tricks please return to the TUFLOW FV Wiki Mainpage.