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This tutorial steps you through the process to create a mesh for hydrodynamic modelling with TUFLOW FV. We will:
- Build a trapezoidal channel mesh.
- Build a river channel mesh.
- Provide you with background on the meshing process in TUFLOW FV.
- Link you to further tips and tricks and meshing learning resources.
Assumed Knowledge
No prior knowledge is required for the completion of these tutorials. We have designed this tutorial to provide an introduction to meshing for all modelling levels. Therefore, each step will be clearly explained. If you run into any problems or need help, please contact
Meshing Guidance
The primary goal when designing a flexible mesh is to describe the key bathymetric and hydrodynamic features using the least, largest mesh element sizes possible that still provide adequate resolution for the problem you’re trying to solve. This is a key benefit of flexible meshes; to optimise computational efficiency whilst achieving desired model accuracy.
Creating a mesh is a combination of manual and automated steps. Maintaining a reasonable amount of manual intervention into the design of the mesh will ultimately produce a far more efficient mesh which will be more accurate and computationally efficient.
TUFLOW FV solves its equation set on regular structured grids or unstructured meshes. When building a model we typically take advantage of the flexible mesh capability and meshes can be comprised of triangles only, quadrilaterals only or a mix of triangular and quadrilateral elements. The flexible mesh approach allows for seamless boundary fitting along complex coastlines or open channels as well as accurately and efficiently representing complex bathymetries with a minimum number of computational elements. The flexible mesh capability is particularly efficient at resolving a range of resolutions within a single model without requiring multiple domain nesting.
In the meshing tutorials that follow, we will start with relatively simple meshing tasks, and then build up complexity so that you will have the tools you need to work on your own projects.
Meshing Tutorials
Meshing Tutorial | Description |
Meshing M01 - Trapezoidal Channel | This tutorial is designed to introduce the basics of meshing. The tutorial will guide you step-by-step to:
Meshing M02 - Riverine Channel | Further your meshing skills by designing the mesh for a meandering river channel. Use the topographic pre-processor TOPAZ to assist in defining the mesh geometry. |
Further Meshing Resources (TODO)
MADDY TODO Add links to GIS Mesher vids/tutes on solution guided meshing. Also, do we have pages that show that? Let's discuss.
If you run into any problems or need help whilst completing the meshing tutorials, please contact
You have now completed the meshing tutorial. Please return to the Tutorial Model Introduction MADDY TODO UPDATE TUTE INTRO PAGE if you would like to complete more tutorials or you can navigate back to the TUFLOW FV Wiki Homepage.