WIBU Software Licence Update Request

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Software licences are an alternative option to hardware USB licences. Please select the license host carefully as the software based dongle will be bound to it. If over time you decide you want to move to another computer we will need to re-issue you with a new software license (which will incur a small administration fee).

  1. Email sales@tuflow.com to request a software licence. You will be sent an empty licence container file (*.wibucmlif).
  2. Install Codemeter Control Centre
    If your license host is a Linux host, please refer to WIBU Software License Linux for the rest of the process
  3. Open Codemeter Control Centre (from the start menu) and drag and drop the provided .wibucmlif onto it. This will import an empty licence container onto the computer (it will show with a grey icon in the licence tab).
  4. With the empty licence container selected click the “Licence Update” option, as per the image below.
    Software Licence 001.PNG
  5. Select “Next” at the next dialogue.
    Software Licence 002.PNG
  6. Select “Create Licence Request”.
    Software Licence 003.PNG
  7. Save the licence request file to your computer.
    Software Licence 004.PNG
  8. Email the licence request file (.WibuCmRaC) file to sales@tuflow.com.