WIBU Configure Network Server

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This page contains instructions for configuring a network TUFLOW licence. It requires that you have the CodeMeter Runtime kit installed on the server, see installing CodeMeter Runtime Kit.


  1. Open the CodeMeter Control Centre. This can be done via the icon on the taskbar:
    CodeMeter TaskBar.jpg

    Or via the start menu:
    CodeMeter ProgramFiles.jpg
  2. Open the WebAdmin via the button in the lower right.
  3. Codemeter v6.40d control center.JPG
    This can also be access by pointing an internet browser to: https://<your hostname>:22350/
    The following CodeMeter webpage will appear.
    Codemeter v6.40d WebAdmin.JPG
  4. Navigate to the Configuration >> Server >> Server Access tab and enable the Network Server checkbox and hit Apply.
  5. Codemeter v6.40d Network Server.JPG
  6. The network licence should now be available. This can be tested on the server by double clicking on a TUFLOW executable.