TUFLOW FV Python Environment DRAFT

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This page walks you through the setup of the TUFLOW FV Python Toolbox (tfv) environment using minconda and conda forge.

Miniconda Installation

1. Go to https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html and download the latest Miniconda Windows 64-bit installer. Note: Don't skip the miniconda installation. Do not substitute for an existing Anaconda Distribution Package installation on your computer.

Conda install 1.png

2. Once downloaded, please install and follow the prompts. Select the default options as you are guided through the install wizard.

Prepare TUFLOW FV Working Environment

In this environment we will install the tfv Python package and the modules required to complete common post-processing tasks on TUFLOW FV results.

To open Anaconda Prompt by typing "anaconda prompt" into the Windows Search Bar:

Anaconda prompt search.png

When you open Anaconda Prompt, confirm it's been installed via the miniconda installation by checking this message at the top of the console window:

Miniconda Message.PNG

After a few moments the the console window should change and appear similar to the below:

Anaconda prompt console window.png

1. Copy the file tfv_workspace.yaml from the download package into your C:\Users\MyUser\ folder where MyUser is your specific user name.

2. Run the command: conda env create --file=tfv_workspace.yaml as show below:

Conda env create.png

3. Hit enter. The installation may take a few minutes to complete. Once completed the prompt should look similar to the following:

Conda env install.png

4. Activate the tfv-workspace environment by entering the command: conda activate tfv-workspace as shown below:

Conda env activate.png

Note that when you activate the workspace you will move from the base environment to the tfv-workspace environment as show below:

:Conda workspaces.png


You have now installed the TUFLOW FV Python Toolbox, including the TUFLOW FV Get Tide, Get Atmos and Get Ocean tools.

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