HYD 000

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The control file HYD_000.fvc should include the syntax commands listed on the lefthand side of the following table.

! TUFLOW FV TUTORIAL The first lines are a description of the model simulation.
! Estuary Model – 2D ONLY
GIS Format == SHP These lines contain the commands to define the GIS format and model projection. For more information on configuring a model this way please refer to Introduction to GIS Integration.
SHP Projection == ..\model\gis\projection.prj
Tutorial Model == ON Enables licence free modelling.
! GENERAL PARAMETERS The ks friction approach is the preferred bottom drag model for 3D simulations. Temperature and salinity are added here for example purposes, in 2D these essentially act as tracers. Spatial order (horizontal, vertical) specifies the order of accuracy of the solution schemes used in the simulation. Second order spatial accuracy will typically be required in the vertical direction when trying to resolve stratification. Atmospheric heat calculations are not to be included.
Bottom Drag Model == ks
Include Salinity == 1,0
Include Temperature == 1,0
Include Heat == 0
! TIME COMMANDS The time commands include the time format (ISO = date and time), start and end times. The CFL limit is 0.60 (less than the default – TUFLOW FV then assigns a timestep at each computational step according to the CFL limit and within the ranges specified in the timestep limits. Display dt sets the simulation time interval (in seconds) for displaying timestep information.
Time Format == ISODATE
Start Time == 01/05/2011 00:00:00
End Time == 07/05/2011 00:00:00
CFL == 0.6
Timestep Limits == 0.1,30.
Display dt == 900
Cell Dry/Wet Depths == 0.001, 0.02
! MODEL PARAMETERS The stability limits command specifies a maximum water level and maximum velocity that indicate an unstable model. The simulation will stop if these limits are exceeded. A Smagorinsky eddy viscosity approach has been specified, with a Smagorinsky factor of 0.2.
Stability Limits == 10.0,10.0
! Horizontal Turbulent Mixing
Momentum Mixing Model == Smagorinsky
Global Horizontal Eddy Viscosity == 0.2
Global Horizontal Eddy Viscosity Limits == 0.05, 99999.
! Horizontal Scalar Mixing
Scalar Mixing Model == Smagorinsky
Global Horizontal Scalar Diffusivity == 0.2
Global Horizontal Scalar Diffusivity Limits == 0.05, 99999.
! GEOMETRY A spherical coordinate system is specified, whereby geometry inputs and computational coordinates are in degrees.

The model geometry is the 2dm mesh provided for this tutorial module. This 2dm file includes mesh/element configuration and topography/bathymetry data. External boundary condition locations are included in the SHP file that is read in by the Read GIS Nodestring command. For more information regarding GIS nodestring definition please refer to Introduction to GIS Integration. The echo function ensures the model writes a *_geo.nc (netCDF format geometry) check file. This will be required for curtain plots.

Spherical == 1
Geometry 2D == ..\model\geo\hydraul_006.2dm
Read GIS Nodestring == ..\model\gis\2d_ns_OpenBoundaries_001_L.shp
Echo Geometry == 1
! MATERIAL PROPERTIES The Set Mat command will set the cell material ID to 1 globally. The second command, Read GIS Mat will read in an SHP file to override the cell material ID for the polygons defined with materials 2 and 3. In this way, three material types have been specified, each with a corresponding ks value. These include:

1 = Main river area (Default)
2 = Marsh/rockpool areas
3 = Grassy banks/small islands.

For more information regarding material definition using QGIS see Introduction to GIS Integration.

Set Mat == 1
Read GIS Mat == ..\model\gis\2d_mat_Materials_002_R.shp
Material == 1
Bottom Roughness == 0.02
End Material
Material == 2
Bottom Roughness == 0.75
End Material
Material == 3
Bottom Roughness == 1.3
End Material
! INITIAL CONDITIONS The initial internal model boundary conditions.
Initial Temperature == 20.
Initial Water Level == 0.052
Initial Salinity ==10.
! BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The boundary conditions are defined in csv files containing water level and flow information along the external boundaries of the model. The upstream flow (Q) and downstream water level (WL) boundaries are specified and linked to nodestrings 1 and 2 as defined in the 2dm mesh file.
BC == Q, 1, ..\bc_dbase\Upstream_Q_Temp_Sal_Sed_001.csv
BC Header == time_hr,flow_m3s-1,sal_ppt,temp_degC
End BC
BC == WL, 2, ..\bc_dbase\Downstream_H_Temp_Sal_Sed_001.csv
End BC
! OUTPUT COMMANDS In this instance, datv and netcdf format files are specified. While the datv format is easily read into SMS for viewing, the netcdf is ideal for processing in matlab. The h, d, v, temp, and sal mean that output files containing water level, depth, velocity, temperature, and salinity will be created. Output interval is a command used to specify the desired output interval in seconds.
Logdir == log
Output Dir == ..\results\
Output == netcdf
Output Parameters == h,v,d, temp, sal
Output Interval == 3600.
End Output
Output == flux
Output Interval == 900.
End Output
Output == mass
Output Interval == 900.
End Output

To return to Tutorial Module 5 please refer to Tutorial Module 5.