NotepadPlusPlus Run TUFLOW

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    To run TUFLOW from Notepad++ we need to create a new Run option.
  1. Select the Run >>> Run menu items.
  2. In the Run dialogue select the three dots (...), navigate to and select the desired executable. If there are spaces in the name this path should be enclosed in quotes.
  3. In the command line after the TUFLOW path enter
    The line should be of the form "C:\Program Files\TUFLOWFV\exe\win32\TUFLOWFV.exe" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" where the underlined path matches the location on your computer.
  4. NotepadPlusPlus RunTUFLOW1.png
  5. This tells notepad to pass the currently open file to TUFLOW as the input file.
  6. Select Save and give the item a sensible name e.g. TUFLOW FV 2013-01-002_w64.
  7. To run TUFLOW FV with the currently open file, simply select the item from the Run menu (or set a shortcut if desired).
  8. NotepadPlusPlus RunTUFLOW2.png

TIP: The shortcuts can be found and edited in the shortcuts.xml file stored on your machine. The easiest way to find this is to search for it, on my computer it is located here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\

This file includes all of the commands for the shortcuts in your "Run" menu. In this case the final entry is the TUFLOW entry.

       <Command name="Launch in Firefox" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="88">firefox "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>
       <Command name="Get php help" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="112">$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
       <Command name="Google Search" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="113">$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
       <Command name="Wikipedia Search" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="114">$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
       <Command name="Open file" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="116">$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\notepad++.exe $(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
       <Command name="Open file (relative)" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="32">$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\notepad++.exe $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
       <Command name="Open in another instance" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="117">$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\notepad++.exe $(CURRENT_WORD) -nosession -multiInst</Command>
       <Command name="Open containing folder" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">explorer $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)</Command>
       <Command name="Open current dir cmd" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">cmd /K cd $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)</Command>
       <Command name="Send via Outlook" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="79">outlook /a "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>
       <Command name="TUFLOW FV 2013-01-002_w64" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">"C:\Program Files\TUFLOWFV\exe\win32\TUFLOWFV.exe" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>