SWAN GIS GUI Reference

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This page describes the GUI elements of the SWAN GIS plugin.

Plugin Menu

The SWAN Tools menu under the QGIS Plugins menu is the entry point for the program. The model builder and post processing tabs can be accessed here.


Item Name Description
1 SWAN Tools Plugin Menu The entry point into the plugin from QGIS.
2 Model Builder Tab Opens the model builder interface, used to build new or modify existing SWAN models.
3 Post Processing Tab Opens the post processing interface, used to extract time series or convert output file formats.

Model Builder

The model builder is the main Model Builder interface for the plugin.


Item Description
1. Load/Save Toolbar A toolbar containing typical load, save as and save buttons to store and retrieve model setups in the form of configuration text files.
2. SWAN Folder Input A text input used to select the working directory of the model being set up. This is typically a ‘SWAN’ model folder.
3. Configuration File Input A text input used to select the configuration file that model parameters will be set from. If there is no input, default parameters will be used. See (4) for creating new parameter configuration files.
4. Configuration Builder A button which opens a new window where parameter configuration files can be built, modified and saved. This gives a simple user interface to the model parameters.
5. Grid Layer Selector A drop down selection dialogue used to select a grid layer from the QGIS map. A new grid layer can be created using the adjacent button (6).
6. New Grid Layer Button A button to create a new grid layer. The new layer is saved as a shapefile with all the necessary attributes to work with the SWAN model builder.
7. Grid Parameter Input Table A collection of input panels formatted as a table used to set the parameters of the various SWAN model grids defined by features in the grid layer.
8. Bathymetry Layer Selector A drop down selection used to select a raster or mesh layer from the QGIS map for bathymetry input. The add layer button (9) is pressed to include the selected layer in the bathymetry input.
9. Add\Remove Bathymetry Layer Buttons used to add the layer from the bathymetry layer selector (8) or to remove a layer from the active bathymetry layers list (10).
10. Active Bathymetry Layer List An interactive list that displays the map layers used to generate the bathymetry grid input file. The layers are listed in descending order i.e. the last listed layer will have the lowest priority.
11. Wind Source File Input A text input used to select the source file used to generate wind boundary condition input files. This is a raw data file from the ERA5 dataset (*.nc) or a point time series (*.csv).
12. Wave Source File Input A text input used to select the source file used to generate wave boundary condition input files. This is a raw data file from the ERA5 dataset (*.nc) or a point time series (*.csv).
13. Simulation Period Input A date time selection to set the start and end times of the current simulation.
14. Build Simulation Button A button that builds the current simulation\run to the target project folder\working directory when pressed.

Post Processing

The post processing plugin provides tools for conversion of SWAN result file formats, SWAN result file time series extraction and ERA5 file time series extraction.


Item Description
1. Result File Conversion UI User interface for converting SWAN MAT files into netCDF4 files.
2. SWAN Time Series UI User interface for extracting time series at given points from SWAN netCDF4 result files.
3. ERA5 Time Series UI User interface for extracting time series at given points from ERA5 netCDF4 files.
4. MAT SWAN Result File Input A text input used to set the SWAN result file to be converted from MAT to netCDF4.
5. Convert File Button A button that executes the result file conversion.
6. SWAN NetCDF4 Result File Input A text input used to set the netCDF4 result file to extract time series at given points. If MAT file output, use (1) to convert format.
7. SWAN Time Series Output File Input A text input used to set output file path of new .csv time series files.
8. SWAN Points File Input A text input used to set the coordinates to extract time series at. Coordinates are provided in a .csv format as NAME,X,Y.
9. Extract SWAN Time Series Button A button that executes the SWAN result file time series extraction.
10. ERA5 NetCDF4 File Input A text input used to set the ERA5 netCDF4 file to extract time series at given points.
11. ERA5 Time Series Output File Input A text input used to set output file path of new .csv time series files.
12. ERA5 Points File Input A text input used to set the coordinates to extract time series at. Coordinates are provided in a .csv format as NAME,X,Y.
13. Extract ERA5 Time Series Button A button that executes the ERA5 file time series extraction.